Something I Tried: Road's End Mac and Chreese

Boxed vegan mac & cheese is super convenient, and is a favorite amongst vegans who were fond of the neon Kraft of their youth. I'm describing me, I love throwback meals. I spotted the brand Road's End Organics in MOM's Organic market and deicded to give it a try and add to my growing list of mac & cheese reviews. The brand has 4 types of mac & cheese: GF cheddar penne, GF alfredo elbows, cheddar shells, and cheddar elbows.

I pick up the elbows & cheddar, because that's the most similar in style to Kraft. The cheese powder comes in a packet, which you mix with unsweetened non-dairy milk, and then add the cooked pasta. I also added a few teaspoons of vegan butter, to make it extra creamy!!

First off, the noodles are whole wheat, which gives the texture a harder bite (if you don't like this, sub in your own). The cheese sauce was good, although not salty enough for what I want out of a boxed mac & cheese. Also, the color was not that bright, and could be made more orange-y with some turmeric (but of course, this is just for aesthetics). My overall impression is that the flavor is solid, but tastes on the healthy side. Earth Balance brand remains the winner when it comes to being the most similar to Kraft (if that's your thing).

My running ranking of vegan boxed mac & cheese:
1. Earth Balance
2. Daiya
3. Road's End Organics
4. Annie's
