
Showing posts from September, 2017

Something I Tried: Campbells Well Yes! Soup

Something I Tried: Green Curry Paste

Lentil Loaf

Something I Tried: Vans French Toast Sticks

Fava Bean Dip

Something I Tried: So Delicious Jack Cheese Shreds

Tonight I Dined: El Palote Panaderia

Something I Tried: 9 Rabbits Bakery

Tonight I Dined: Monkey King Noodle Carrolton

Tonight I Dined: Loving Hut Addison

Tonight I Dined: Cheng's Garden

Tonight I Dined: Rainbow Coop

Something I Tried: Harvest Roots Kombucha

Tonight I Dined: Calypso Cafe

Tonight I Dined: The Tomato Head

Something I Tried: MTO Kombucha

Tonight I Dined: Pinch Dumplings

Tonight I Dined: Sweet Side Cafe

Tonight I Dined: Paulie Gee's

Tonight I Dined: Greens and Grains