
Showing posts from September, 2016

Something I Tried: Thai Iced Tea

Pasta Primavera

Nashville Hot Tofu

Something I Tried: Beyond Meat Lightly Seasoned Strips

Something I Tried: Forks Over Knives Indian Zuppa with Tomatoes and Fava Beans

Tonight I Dined: Inversion Coffee

Pumpkin Bars

Tonight I Dined: Your Pie

Something I Tried: Forks Over Knives Pinto Bean Stew with Spicy Cilantro Pesto

Tonight I Dined: Black Hole Coffee House

Jerk Tofu with RIce and Beans

Tonight I Dined: Pinkberry

Israeli Cabbage Salad

Tonight I Dined: Taja Indian

Tonight I Dined: Healthy Cow Pizza

Oil-Free Lentil Stuffed Peppers

Something I Tried: Gardein Meatless Meatloaf

Something I Tried: Chewie Frutties

Tonight I Dined: Cava Grill

Tonight I Dined: Dangerously Delicious Pies

Tonight I Dined: Charmington's

Tonight I Dined: NuVegan Cafe

Tonight I Dined: HipCity Veg DC

Tonight I Dined: Johnny Rad's